Sure you don't know me cause it's first time I write something here. I'm frenchy, so please accept all my apologies for all the mistakes I'll write ...

I sometimes followed your discussions, especially when I was looking for a Probe. I know some of you because we were in contact previouly (mainly through ebay by the way). For sure, your forum (+ Probetalk + ProbeUK) helped me a lot in my decision process. Viel dank !

When I got my car last year (97 16v, 45000 km), I switched to the french forum to get closer contacts with some owners next door. I'm sure you know (or may assume) that there are some Probes here too, which is not the case for all european countries. The community is rather small but quite active. For instance, we have a meeting every 2 months with about 10 people driving from north/center of France mainly. But we got also a swiss Probe last time !
Here is the link to our website you may already know :
So now I'm back here with a proposal.
Some of us use to look at your website.

If you think that June is too short, what about end September ? There's a Mopar Day (show + track) in Normandy (NW of France) at that time. I've been racing with these nice guys on Arras circuit some weeks ago.
I know you have a big meeting end August, but I'm already in contact with our UK friends who are interested to come.
Are you also interested in such an event ?
GrüB & Dank