European meeting/anniversary !!!

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European meeting/anniversary !!!

Beitrag von Gast »

Hallo !

Sure you don't know me cause it's first time I write something here. I'm frenchy, so please accept all my apologies for all the mistakes I'll write ... :oops:

I sometimes followed your discussions, especially when I was looking for a Probe. I know some of you because we were in contact previouly (mainly through ebay by the way). For sure, your forum (+ Probetalk + ProbeUK) helped me a lot in my decision process. Viel dank ! :P

When I got my car last year (97 16v, 45000 km), I switched to the french forum to get closer contacts with some owners next door. I'm sure you know (or may assume) that there are some Probes here too, which is not the case for all european countries. The community is rather small but quite active. For instance, we have a meeting every 2 months with about 10 people driving from north/center of France mainly. But we got also a swiss Probe last time !
Here is the link to our website you may already know :

So now I'm back here with a proposal.
Some of us use to look at your website. 8) So my proposal is to invite you to come to our next meeting, 7 June. It would be great to organise something special for the Probe II - 10th anniversary.

If you think that June is too short, what about end September ? There's a Mopar Day (show + track) in Normandy (NW of France) at that time. I've been racing with these nice guys on Arras circuit some weeks ago.
I know you have a big meeting end August, but I'm already in contact with our UK friends who are interested to come.

Are you also interested in such an event ?

GrüB & Dank
Donating Member
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Beiträge: 211
Registriert: 29.07.2002, 15:02
Probe-Modell: Probe II 24V T22
FIN-10: P
Wohnort: Essen

Beitrag von sunrider »

Hello Yann.

Nice too see you here.

also thanks for linking my page, in case of my elipsoid-projekt.




Hallo !

Beitrag von Gast »

Happy to see you here too, and thanks for your warm welcome !!!
(I've some customers for you ... :P )

Here are 2 bonus for you (cause you replied first :wink: ) :
Pics of a meeting I organized last year
Fast Day 2003 when racing in middle of awesome V8s

I hope you'll enjoy it !
Level 0
Level 0
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Registriert: 21.09.2002, 13:18
Probe-Modell: anderes Auto
Wohnort: Ottweiler / Saarland

Sorry, i was not logged in !!!

Beitrag von ErikSchneider »

F..K , i was not logged in

yes an european meeting would be a great idea in my opinion!!
But i think it is a hard task to realize, but should be better not a short term meeting.I would prefer September because of the time for the organisation.

So if you really intend to start something let us know


Let's go !!!

Beitrag von Gast »

Hallo Erik !

It seems everybody agrees with you through Europe, so let's plan it for September. :)
Sure, it will not be easy to do it, but I'm sure we will succeed. Just to give you an idea of the impact of my post : 8 positive answers from UK in half a day ... :shock:

Of course, I'll need a contact to manage each country. I only have two arms ... and one (small) brain :wink:

As your deutsch is much better than mine, could you please make a kind of advertisment/quest to know how much people could be interested in coming in Frankreich next september ? I don't want any final answer, just an idea of what could be deutsch attendance ... :roll:

I've nothing to sell, just fun to share with you ! :wink:
Donating Member
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Beiträge: 432
Registriert: 18.07.2002, 23:35
Probe-Modell: Probe II 24V ECP
Wohnort: 78564 Wehingen

Beitrag von Chiefhunter »

Cool idea!

I'll take the 7 July in my shedule. :D
Its not so far for me to France, so if I have the time, I will visit you.


Beitrag von Gast »

Chiefhunter hat geschrieben:I'll take the 7 July in my shedule. :D
Its not so far for me to France, so if I have the time, I will visit you.

Hallo !

Thanks for your interest.

If you are refering to our next french meeting, please notice it is planned on 7 Juni, not July. :wink: We will meet some km south of Paris.
If you are mentioning a simple visist, I've no problem with that : you are welcome of course ! :P
If you are looking for the european meeting, please notice it will take place in september with regards to wishes people sent to me, and the lot of things I may have to prepare ...

I hope there will be several people from Deutschland in this event as it is based just 1 hour from Paris. I think some checkpoints would be organized in North (Lille) and East of France (Alsace) to drive together. But we will discuss about details/facilities when I'll have a better idea of the number of people who will attend.

Erik, viel dank für dein post ! :wink:
Blue Team
Blue Team
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Registriert: 23.07.2002, 20:43
Probe-Modell: Probe II 16V ECP
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Beitrag von Saku »

Damn, more than 1000 kilometers to Paris.... :(
K.A.W. 50/35 || SEM || SML || US - Tails || MAL || beleuchtetes PROBE-Zeichen || RC-100 || Plasmatacho || Hifi || LEDs || HeadUp-Display || B&M-Shortshifter

Beitrag von Gast »

Hi Yann,

good to know that my French Neighbours are also intressed and doing something with their Probes.Nice Website.Wouldn't be bad if it also had an English version to even though i do understand a bit of French since i'm fron Canada.But two thumbs up :thumb: I'll mark the the day in my Calander for September and try to come but i can't promise you anything.Keep up the good work.

Level 2
Level 2
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Registriert: 27.07.2002, 02:34
Probe-Modell: Probe II 16V ECP
Wohnort: Ettenheim

Beitrag von ProbePGT »

Hi Yann,

good to know that my French Neighbours are also intressed and doing something with their Probes.Nice Website.Wouldn't be bad if it also had an English version to even though i do understand a bit of French since i'm fron Canada.But two thumbs up :thumb: I'll mark the the day in my Calander for September and try to come but i can't promise you anything.Keep up the good work.

Site Admin
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Registriert: 18.07.2002, 22:13
Probe-Modell: Probe II 24V ECP
FIN-10: T
Wohnort: Elsdorf

Beitrag von BM50181 »

7. Juni !? Ui, is ja morgen !? Hab ich ja total vergessen....wollten die das nicht nach hinten noch verschrieben !? Hab da sowas im Kopf.

Also wenn das morgen is, kann ich das knicken !

Puh, wie die Zeit vergeht !
Racing Team
Racing Team
Beiträge: 2726
Registriert: 17.07.2002, 15:07
Probe-Modell: Probe II 24V ECP
FIN-10: T
Wohnort: 46***

Beitrag von Benne »

tja, morgen schaff ichs auch nicht, sind bei Blaubär und Nicole...

Beitrag von Gast »

BM50181 hat geschrieben:7. Juni !? Ui, is ja morgen !? Hab ich ja total vergessen....wollten die das nicht nach hinten noch verschrieben !? Hab da sowas im Kopf.

Also wenn das morgen is, kann ich das knicken !

Puh, wie die Zeit vergeht !

Hab ich doch richtig verstanden, oder?

Racing Team
Racing Team
Beiträge: 2726
Registriert: 17.07.2002, 15:07
Probe-Modell: Probe II 24V ECP
FIN-10: T
Wohnort: 46***

Beitrag von Benne »

Yann hat geschrieben:

If you are looking for the european meeting, please notice it will take place in september with regards to wishes people sent to me, and the lot of things I may have to prepare ...
Entwarnung !!
Sunny hat mal alle Register seines Englisch Könnens gezogen und mich aufgeklärt !! hehe

June french meeting & September European meeting

Beitrag von Gast »

Hi !

First of all, please have a look at the pics we took on saturday :
link to the Sologne meeting - 07/06

This may show you that the Probe family is growing here too ... :wink:

Now, we've done our last spring meeting in France, I'm coming back on this european/anniversary meeting we discussed some weeks ago. So let's talk about this 10th Anniversary meeting we plan to organize in September.

From the various feedbacks I've got up to now, I would say that it would be better to organize it for UK + Germany + France + Swiss + Benelux owners, because other people (Spain, Portugal, Poland, Czek, Russia ...) seem not to be ready to drive 1000s miles/km ... This means a european meeting somewhere in NW Europe ... NE France (as far as we organize it ...).

Here are some questions/suggestions :

- attendance :
do you plan to drive/come to this event ? I still don't need a firm engagement, but a good idea on who is confident in his/her attendance.

- location :
or any other idea you could have in this area ... ?

- duration :
just one day (saturday or sunday) so you could be free the other day,
or the complete week-end (saturday + sunday) ?

- accomodation :
would you like us to organize it, or would you prefer to be free = to plan it yourself ?

- others :
any input ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback. :P
